New Dawn Family Healing St. Louis MO
A program specializing in treating those affected by a loved one’s addiction
In the recovery community, there are many resources serving the individuals with alcohol and substance use disorders. There has been limited support and therapy options for the wives, husbands, parents, and children that are in a family of addiction…until now.
New Dawn Family Healing St Louis MO is an outpatient therapy program designed to assist and support family members and loved ones of those suffering from substance use disorders.
Our St Louis family recovery program offers virtual and in-person services including individual, family and group therapy to help families navigate and heal from the impact addiction has had on their lives.
How We Help
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Group Therapy
Family Coordination
All are Welcome
Whether your loved one is in treatment, in recovery, or in active addiction,
New Dawn Family Healing is here to assist and support YOU
Why New Dawn Family Healing & Group Therapy St Louis MO?
Our specialized St Louis family therapy and leading-edge program provides support, education, and therapy to empower individuals, family members, friends, and community members. Not only do we provide evidence-based treatment interventions, but NDFH is also staffed by individuals who understand your story.
Our St Louis family treatment program professional team members at NDFH have all been on the other side and have loved someone in active addiction. We have a glimpse of what you are going through, and you are not alone.

Support & Healing
We’re Here for You
Being in a relationship with someone in active addiction is often stressful, traumatic, frustrating, and frightening. More often than not, the family members not using substances find themselves in a painful, tough situation and are left with many questions. Some of the questions we hear include:
• What can I do to help my loved one?
• Will bringing up their behavior make the situation worse?
• How does this impact my children?
• Am I enabling?
• How do I create boundaries?
We’re here to help you find the answers, support, and healing that you need and deserve. You are not alone.